IKBFU is a leading university of the Kaliningrad region and one of 10 federal universities of the Russian Federation.



Conveniently located in the heart of Europe, IKBFU attracts students and researchers from around the world. Today citizens from 40 countries of the world – from Europe, Latin America, Asia and Africa – study at different levels and conduct research at the University.

IKBFU carefully keeps the academic traditions of its predecessor – the «Albertina» University of Königsberg and introduces the newest technologies of Russian classical education.



City University

The University is already embedded in the city, with its 36 buildings scattered around 11 locations in the heart of Kaliningrad. While it is imperative to maintain openness to the community and improve engage­ment with the region, it is also important to develop one location as a space for the future convention of generations. Therefore, by 2025 the central part of the campus will use the available growth resources in the adjacent area to transform into the new Plato’s Academy.

city university

Reference image




In 2020-2023 the University shall consolidate its resources and rise as a civic university embedded in the Kaliningrad terroir, with its unique position between the Russian and the global education systems. By 2024 Kantiana will transform into a true poliversity, a transregional holding for education, research, innovation, and entrepreneurship. It will ensure the cooperation of research and education systems of the East and the West, focus on innovative learning processes, and will help drive forward the convention of generations.





students are enrolled into vocational and higher education programmes



of all students are female



of all students are international



budget growth in 2017